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We are a lively parish with plenty of activities happening from week to week. To learn more about what's happening or to join us at one of our gatherings, please contact our parish office or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
Safeguarding Trust
The Church of Ireland Code of Good Practice for Ministry with Children
The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to uphold good practice in the parish's ministry with children and young people. Should you have a concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish please contact a member of the parish panel (see below) or email the parish office on [email protected].
1. Rev'd Helene T Steed
2. Mrs Lesley Donaldson
3. Mr Michael Newman
Sunday School: We meet during the 10.00 am Sunday service in church, moving outside or to the hall for our teaching and games. Ages 0 -11. During Lent this year, we will learn about children in the Bible and around the world with the CMSI Kingdom Kids resources.
YF (youth group): YF have recently spent time cracking bible codes, learning about the parable of the Great Banquet (whilst doing some feasting of their own of course), trying out 3D paint and destroying the leaders in the weekly Dobble battle. Anyone aged 10+ is welcome to join us. Find out more at [email protected].
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides: Our groups meet on Monday evenings, Rainbows at 5.15 pm and Brownies/Guides at 6.30 pm.
Mums and Chums: We meet on Wednesdays from 10.00 am to 11.30 am, for play, singing, chat and coffee in the Parish hall. All pre-school children and their carers welcome.
Art and Chat: Our artists of all abilities meet on Monday afternoons from 2.00 to 4.00 pm in the parlour to sketch, paint and chat together over a cup of tea.
Creative Stitchers: Our Creative Stitchers craft group meet in the parish hall on the second and fourth Tuesday each month from 7.30 pm to knit, sew, embroider, crochet, and chat.
Gardening Team: Our Gardening team take care of our wonderful grounds which are open to the public. We have vegetable beds, an Easter Garden and a wildlife trail among others and we're always looking for volunteers to help out.
Mothers Union: Mothers Union gets together on the third Wednesday of the month after the service at 3.45 pm, followed by a cup of tea, a chat and sometimes a speaker. All are welcome.
Musical Singing and Ringing
Following our long tradition of musical excellence, a range of Covid-safe activities are now fully underway. The choir is singing; the bells are ringing; and several new projects for children are planned. So, if you’re looking to try something new or peek into the world of Narnia, why not get in touch and make plans to come along!
Handbells: We have two handbell groups that meet on Wednesdays in the parish hall. New ringers aged 8 and upwards meet from 5.45 – 6.45 pm (under 16s must be accompanied by an adult) with experienced adult ringers practicing from 6.45 – 7.45 pm.
Tower Bells: Our tower bells ring each Sunday before services and on special occasions. Why not climb our 47 steps and see what it’s all about? Beginners and experienced ringers practice on Wednesday evenings between 6.30 – 9.00 pm and new ringers are always welcome.
Open Choir: Our choir meets Wednesdays 7.45 – 9.00 pm in the Parish Hall and we are always ‘open’ to new singers to sing regularly or for occasional services.
Music Group: Grade 1 to professional instrumentalists accompany our Family Services on the first Sunday of each month. New players are always welcome to join in.
Scottish Country Dancing: A fun way to meet new people and get a little exercise.
Flexibility Class: This gentle stretch and movement class for over 55s meets on Thursday mornings in our hall from 10.45 - 11.30 am.
Bums and Tums: Get your heart rate moving with this targeted class on Wednesday evenings in our Upper Hall from 6.30 - 7.15 pm.
Safeguarding Trust
The Church of Ireland Code of Good Practice for Ministry with Children
The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to uphold good practice in the parish's ministry with children and young people. Should you have a concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish please contact a member of the parish panel (see below) or email the parish office on [email protected].
1. Rev'd Helene T Steed
2. Mrs Lesley Donaldson
3. Mr Michael Newman
Sunday School: We meet during the 10.00 am Sunday service in church, moving outside or to the hall for our teaching and games. Ages 0 -11. During Lent this year, we will learn about children in the Bible and around the world with the CMSI Kingdom Kids resources.
YF (youth group): YF have recently spent time cracking bible codes, learning about the parable of the Great Banquet (whilst doing some feasting of their own of course), trying out 3D paint and destroying the leaders in the weekly Dobble battle. Anyone aged 10+ is welcome to join us. Find out more at [email protected].
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides: Our groups meet on Monday evenings, Rainbows at 5.15 pm and Brownies/Guides at 6.30 pm.
Mums and Chums: We meet on Wednesdays from 10.00 am to 11.30 am, for play, singing, chat and coffee in the Parish hall. All pre-school children and their carers welcome.
Art and Chat: Our artists of all abilities meet on Monday afternoons from 2.00 to 4.00 pm in the parlour to sketch, paint and chat together over a cup of tea.
Creative Stitchers: Our Creative Stitchers craft group meet in the parish hall on the second and fourth Tuesday each month from 7.30 pm to knit, sew, embroider, crochet, and chat.
Gardening Team: Our Gardening team take care of our wonderful grounds which are open to the public. We have vegetable beds, an Easter Garden and a wildlife trail among others and we're always looking for volunteers to help out.
Mothers Union: Mothers Union gets together on the third Wednesday of the month after the service at 3.45 pm, followed by a cup of tea, a chat and sometimes a speaker. All are welcome.
Musical Singing and Ringing
Following our long tradition of musical excellence, a range of Covid-safe activities are now fully underway. The choir is singing; the bells are ringing; and several new projects for children are planned. So, if you’re looking to try something new or peek into the world of Narnia, why not get in touch and make plans to come along!
Handbells: We have two handbell groups that meet on Wednesdays in the parish hall. New ringers aged 8 and upwards meet from 5.45 – 6.45 pm (under 16s must be accompanied by an adult) with experienced adult ringers practicing from 6.45 – 7.45 pm.
Tower Bells: Our tower bells ring each Sunday before services and on special occasions. Why not climb our 47 steps and see what it’s all about? Beginners and experienced ringers practice on Wednesday evenings between 6.30 – 9.00 pm and new ringers are always welcome.
Open Choir: Our choir meets Wednesdays 7.45 – 9.00 pm in the Parish Hall and we are always ‘open’ to new singers to sing regularly or for occasional services.
Music Group: Grade 1 to professional instrumentalists accompany our Family Services on the first Sunday of each month. New players are always welcome to join in.
Scottish Country Dancing: A fun way to meet new people and get a little exercise.
Flexibility Class: This gentle stretch and movement class for over 55s meets on Thursday mornings in our hall from 10.45 - 11.30 am.
Bums and Tums: Get your heart rate moving with this targeted class on Wednesday evenings in our Upper Hall from 6.30 - 7.15 pm.